Air Conditioning
A. C. Doctor Inc. repairs, installs and services all your HVAC needs and provides emergency repair in the Dover area by calling (479) 968-2266.
Contact our professional staff for residential or commercial servicing for any air conditioning system to keep it running at peak efficiency and reduce your energy costs. Call to learn more about our convenient, worry-free maintenance programs on most brand name systems. Read More
Choosing the right furnace for your home or business in the Dover region is an important investment. Select from a wide range of A. C. Doctor Inc.’s standard economy models, up to the highest efficiency units available today with a free consultation with our furnace experts.
When a furnace breaks down in the winter, repairs can’t wait. A. C. Doctor Inc. technicians are experienced with servicing all major brands, makes and models and provide emergency repairs and inspections, in the Dover area. As furnace installation and repair specialists, we offer reliable advice when it is time to replace your system. Read More
Heat Pumps
A professional A. C. Doctor Inc. heat pump installation provides year-round climate control. A heat pump draws heat from a home or building during summer to keep it cooler and draws in warmth from the outside air to keep you warm when the temperatures drops. Our experts are available to provide details about the many options available to significantly reduce the energy costs of your home or business in Dover. Find out more about our advanced hybrid system that links up with your gas furnace for even better efficiency by calling (479) 968-2266. Read More